Our Family Partnership initiative aims to ensure your loved one receives the best care possible by offering you the opportunity to play an active ‘hands on’ role in their care.
By combining your knowledge and our care expertise, we can work together to maximise your family member’s health and wellbeing. Your involvement will not replace the quality care and support they receive from Eldercare staff.
You decide which activities you would feel most comfortable helping your family member with. The choice is yours.
We look forward to partnering with you in care so your family member receives the tailored support they deserve.
How you can help
There are many ways you can assist with your family member’s care including:
- personal grooming and hygiene
- massage therapy
- meal and mobility assistance
- leisure activities
The benefits: testing language page
By participating in a Family Partnership with Eldercare you can:
develop a deeper relationship with your family member better communicate with staff about your loved one’s care needs share knowledge and expertise with staff as they ‘get to know’ your family membersupport family and friends who do not understand the changes that are occurring with your loved one and help educate them on communication strategies to use when visiting
While we all have email accounts and can make phone calls, the nature of the news business is that stuff happens very quickly. We want to reach all our journalists and any other volunteer reporters instantly.
While we all have email accounts and can make phone calls, the nature of the news business is that stuff happens very quickly. We want to reach all our journalists and any other volunteer reporters instantly.
While we all have email accounts and can make phone calls, the nature of the news business is that stuff happens very quickly. We want to reach all our journalists and any other volunteer reporters instantly.
Please contact care on call to discuss your individual in-home care
needs on a no-obligation basis.
More Services
No matter where you live in your own home a retirement village or a rest home.

Complete Home Touch
Complete home touch of our top senior clients need additional care.

Ensure Family Care
Ensure family care touch of our top senior clients need additional care.

Elderly Medical Care
Elderly medical care meets all honorable senior clients need additional care.

Help Lonely People
Help lonely people meets all honorable senior clients need additional care.

Guide Proper Fitness
Guide proper fitness meets all honorable senior clients need additional care.

Provide Healthy Foods
Provide healthy foods meets all honorable senior clients need additional care.